Notice of Funds Available (RFP)

Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
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22SC2:  Community Development Training


Posted Applications Due Start Date End Date Amount MatchPoverty Match Council Staff
Apr 07, 2022 Jun 01, 2022 May 31, 2023 $40,000.00 $0.00$0.00 Maria Pinkelton


GCDD funded the Real Communities/Welcoming Communities initiatives until 2021 and upon their conclusion believes educating GCDD members, staff, stakeholders and others about the foundational values and approaches of this effort will ensure it’s continued impact. To this end, GCDD is seeking applicants who have a background in teaching concepts such as Asset Based Community Development, Theory U, and Collective Impact to execute a training initiative that promises to grow state-wide capacity in these approaches. We believe it is important for the populations mentioned above to understand these concepts and how they interact with the many projects GCDD funds and supports.

Schedule of Events

This Request for Proposals will be governed by the following schedule:

•Applications Due – April 7, 2022
• Staff Application Review – April 7, 2022 - April 21, 2022
• Grants Selection Committee Review – April 21, 2022 – May 13, 2022
• Council Approval – May 23, 2022
• Contract Negotiations and Signed Contracts – May 24 – May 31, 2022
• Start Date/Work Begins – June 1, 2022

Restrictions on Communication

All questions about this NoFA must be submitted in the following format:
Organization/Individual Name
1. Question
Citation of relevant section of the NoFA
2. Question
Citation of relevant section of the NoFA
Questions must be directed in writing to the Operations & Contracts Director (OCD) Lisa Eaves at:
Questions must include the company name and the referenced NoFA section.
From the issue date of this NoFA until a contractor is selected and the selection is announced, Applicants are not allowed to communicate for any reason with any State staff except through the OCD, or during the Applicants' conference, or as provided by existing work agreement(s). The State reserves the right to reject the proposal of any Applicant violating this provision. All questions concerning this NoFA must be submitted in writing by email to Only written questions will be accepted. No response other than written will be binding upon the State.

The DD Council

The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) is one of 56 entities of its type in the United States and territories that report to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Administration for Community Living. It is authorized under Public Law 106-402, the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act Amendments of 2000.

The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) makes funds available to fulfill its mission in accordance with its Five-Year Strategic Plan (pdf file) and in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Through its funding, GCDD works to increase the capacities and resources of public and private nonprofit entities and others to develop a comprehensive community system that responds to the choices, capabilities and needs of persons with developmental disabilities and their families. The purpose of GCDD grants is to expand best practices and contribute to system-wide changes that support the rights of people with developmental disabilities and their full inclusion as community members. Recipients of GCDD grants are expected to be ongoing partners in bringing about positive change.
Our activities are governed by a 27-member board, appointed by the Governor and comprised of at least 60 percent individuals with developmental disabilities and family members. Other members include policymakers that represent various federally mandated partners and state agencies and organizations having a vested interested in persons with developmental disabilities.

GCDD is charged with creating systems change for people with developmental disabilities and their families by increasing opportunities for independence, inclusion, integration, productivity, and self-determination. Activities include public policy research and analysis, project demonstrations, education and training, advocacy, and public information. The GCDD is a quasi-state agency, attached to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) for administrative purposes.

Scope of Work- Request For Proposals

In 2008, the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities began a journey to better understand how communities operate and bring people with and without disabilities together around issues of common interest. This effort, entitled Real Communities (later changed to Welcoming Communities) was on the premise that people in local communities can learn together how local groups connect people with developmental disabilities and their organizations to other citizens and their associations and act collectively on community issues. Real Communities was a purposeful effort to learn how the application of Asset Based Community Development principles and practices can combine with person-centered supports to engage people with developmental disabilities directly in action on issues that matter to Georgia’s communities. For reference, there were three commitments required of all those involved with Real Communities initiatives that distinguish them from other good things:
• People with developmental disabilities are active members and discovering who influence the group’s direction participate in doing its work. Action is with people with developmental disabilities, not for them.
• Action focuses on making the community better for everyone. The initiative is not about specialized responses to disability but about engaging people who care enough to take action together on local issues of common interest.
• Over time, the initiative builds up local capacity for collective action by creating and strengthening continuing relationships with a variety of associations and groups. The initiative was not about single victories but about building communities where people have a growing capacity to act together.
A strong application will integrate these same commitments into their proposed scope of work.
Project Details
The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities is accepting proposals to offer learning opportunities for people with developmental disabilities, family members, advocacy partners and others interested in creating positive change in communities. The applicant will offer training/learning opportunities in community development methods such as Asset Based Community Development, Theory U, and Collective Impact. These kinds of methods promote innovation, inclusive and welcoming places, and greater opportunity for collective work among community members.
GCDD believes that these learning opportunities should be offered not just to the developmental disability community but to other individuals and organizations interested in creating welcoming and inclusive communities. The end goal is to bring together people with and without disabilities throughout Georgia to discuss and create solutions to local issues.
For example, transportation is not just an issue for people with disabilities, it impacts all people in places without robust, accessible, and affordable transportation options. By using Asset Based Community Development, we could bring all people in a community together to create innovative transportation solutions.
Training should be delivered to interested persons across the four quadrants of the state and should engage audiences diverse in disability label, socio-economic status, culture, gender, orientation, and level of advocacy experience. At minimum one in-person training should be planned for each of the four quadrants of Georgia. Additionally, training should be made available through alternative formats to allow for archiving and remote participation. Potential formats could be a series of multiple small videos, or brief webinars.
Experience Requirements
The successful proposal will be able to show experience and knowledge of Asset Based Community Development, Theory U and Collective Impact. This could include 3 years’ experience working in action-oriented advocacy with a social justice orientation or 3 years’ experience in community-organizing and education of the public on issues critical to marginalized people.
Performance Measures
IFA 1.1The number ofpeople with developmental disabilities who participated in Council supported activities designed to increase their knowledge of how to take part in decisions that affect their lives, the lives of others, and/or systems
IFA 1.2 The number of family members who participated in Council supported in activities designed to increase their knowledge of how to take part in decisions that affect the family, the lives of others, and/or systems
IFA 2.1 After participation in Council supported activities, the percent of people with developmental disabilities who report increasing their advocacy as a result of Council work.
IFA 2.2 After participation in Council supported activities, the percent of family members who report increasing their advocacy as a result of Council work.
SC 1.3.4 The number of best practices supported through Council activities
SC 1.4 The number of people trained or educated through Council systemic change initiatives
SC 1.5 The number of Council supported systems change activities with organizations actively involved.

Application Submission & Evaluation

The Applicant must submit a complete application in DD Suite which includes a Project Outline, a Project Work Plan and a Project Budget.

Applications must be submitted online via, prior to the published deadline. No hard copies will be accepted. Applicants must have or create a DD Suite user account and an organization account in order to submit an application. Go to and click on "HELP TAB" for detailed instructions on creating DD Suite user and organization accounts. (See complete application process and Guide to DD Suite attached)

Additional Submission Requirements:
1) Upload of copy of the Federal W-9 (attached to this NoFA)
2)Please provide at least two professional references who can attest to your abilities and experience in this type of work. (Upload references to your DD Suite application.)
3) Training Curriculum from past learning opportunities around these issues

Each proposal should be prepared simply and economically, avoiding the use of elaborate promotional materials (unless materials have been requested) beyond those sufficient to provide a complete presentation. If supplemental materials are a necessary part of the proposal, the Applicant should reference these materials in the technical proposal, identifying the document(s) and citing the appropriate section and page(s) to be reviewed.
Any proposal received after the due date and time will not be evaluated.

Evaluation Process

The evaluation of proposals received on or before the due date and time will be conducted in the following phases. Any proposal received after the due date and time will not be evaluated.

Administrative Review

The Operations & Contracts Director will screen each proposal. The screening will consist of:
(1) determining if the Applicant meets the grant eligibility and submission requirements
(2) the budget is within the funding limits and includes the required match (if applicable);
(3) the application is complete and all sections in DD Suite have responses; and
(4) the required W-9 form and additional submissions requests are attached (i.e. references, work samples, and resumes, etc.)

DD Suite will issue an automatic reply acknowledging receipt of your proposal immediately after successful submission.

There will be no debriefing for applicants who are not selected. All applicants who respond to this NOFA will be notified of the outcome of their application (awarded, application modifications requested, or denied) by email through DD Suite.

Proposal Evaluation

The GCDD Chairperson will appoint a selection committee and may consider individuals other than Council member or advisory members. No one may evaluate proposals in which there is, or there is an appearance of, a conflict of interest. They will recuse themselves from all parts of the grant evaluation and award process.

The Selection Committee may meet twice within 30 days of proposal due date. Before the first meeting, staff will send proposals and the Solicitation Evaluation Form. The first meeting may be either in person or virtual and members will review, rank, and narrow down proposals to the top 2 or 3 for consideration as finalist. Staff will collect and file all completed Solicitation Evaluation Forms.

Using the Solicitation Evaluation Form, members will identify the most critical factors contributing to the value or success of the proposed solutions to the issues identified. Among the criteria used are the following:

1. Does the outline clearly state goals and major activities?
2. Is applicant qualified or experienced to complete the goals and activities?
3. Does the application satisfactorily describe the impact of activities of the project will have on people with developmental disabilities?
4. Is each required goal and outcome addressed? Are the goals and outcomes satisfactory?
5. Does the application adequately describe who will be responsible for each activity and a timeframe for completion?
6. Is the proposed budget consistent with the goals and activities identified in the project?
7. Does the budget justification for each item include how amounts were determined?
8. Does the evaluation plan satisfactorily describe both process and outcomes evaluation approaches?

The criteria are scored by each member of the selection team and a proposal is eligible to receive a maximum of 1000 points. Each criteria is rated either Exceptional (receives full points), Acceptable (receives half points), Not Acceptable (Receives no points). For example, if the criterion Organizational Ability has a maximum points value of 75. An Exceptional Rating gets 75 points, Acceptable gets 37.5 and Not Acceptable gets 0. If there is more than one proposal, only those that have a score of at least 700 (70% ) will have their applications forwarded to the Council’s Grants Selection Committee.

Oral Presentations/Interviews

GCDD reserves the right to conduct site visits or to invite Applicants to present their proposals between April 21, 2022 - May 13, 2022 at 2 Peachtree Street, 26th Floor, Suite 246, Atlanta GA 30303 or by video conference (Zoom) virtually during this time.

Financial (Cost) Proposal Evaluation
The Successful Applicant will submit a proposed budget for this initiative. The Financial Proposal will provide a 25% match (standard rate in-kind funds) or 10% match (standard poverty rate in-kind funds) to augment the federal grant. The match may be in the form of matching dollars, and/or in-kind costs, on an annual basis. Match funds must be documented by reporting In-Kind costs for each reporting period. In exceptional cases a match is not required and will be listed as $0.00 on the NoFA.

What kind of things can be considered in-kind match?
Your in-kind match may include expenses that are:
• allowable under federal guidelines and GCDD policies;
• necessary for your project;
• not paid by federal funds (ours or those of another agency); and
• not already being used as match for another federal grant.
Some examples include office space, utilities, volunteer time (including members of your Project Advisory Committee), printing costs, consultants (if not paid through the grant), or staff not paid for through the grant.
Applicant should provide a detailed annual plan explaining how it will generate the required match and how much, i.e., the percentage that will be provided. The plan must show in detail what will be done, how it will be done, and what specific commitment the Applicant is willing to make as a match.

NOFA Policies

Rejection of Proposals/Cancellation of NoFA

The State reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any irregularity or informality in a proposal, and to accept or reject any item or combination of items; when to do so would be to the advantage of the State. It is also within the right of the State to reject proposals that do not contain all the elements and information requested in this document. The State reserves the right to cancel this NoFA at any time. The State will not be liable for any cost/losses incurred by the Applicants throughout this process.

NoFA Amendments

The State reserves the right to amend this NoFA prior to the proposal due date. All amendments and additional information will be posted to Applicants are encouraged to check this website frequently.

Proposal Withdrawal

A submitted proposal may be withdrawn prior to the due date by a written request to the Operations and Contracts Director. A request to withdraw a proposal must be signed by an authorized individual.

Cost for Preparing Proposals

The cost for developing the proposal is the sole responsibility of the Applicant. The State will not provide reimbursement for such costs.

Conflict of Interest

If an Applicant has any existing client relationship that involves the State of Georgia, the Applicant must disclose each relationship.

Reciprocal Preference Law OCGA 50-5-60(b)

For the purposes of evaluation only, Applicants resident in the State of Georgia will be granted the same preference over Applicants resident in another State in the same manner, on the same basis, and to the same extent that preference is granted in awarding bids for the same goods or services by such other State Applicants resident therein over Applicants resident in the State of Georgia. NOTE: For the purposes of this law, the definition of a resident Applicant is one who maintains a place of business with at least one employee inside the State of Georgia. A post office box address will not satisfy this requirement.

ADA Guidelines

The State of Georgia adheres to the guidelines set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act. Applicants should contact the Operations and Contracts Director at least 48 hours in advance if they require special arrangements when attending the Applicant's Conference. The Georgia Relay Center at 1-800-255-0056 (TDD Only) or 1-800-255-0135 (Voice) will relay messages, in strict confidence, for the speech and hearing impaired.