Notice of Funds Available (RFP)

North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities
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The application deadline for this notice has expired.
This notice may have expired - the project end date has already passed.

2023-2024.1.A:  I/DD Services Champion


Posted Applications Due Start Date End Date Amount MatchPoverty Match Council Staff
Apr 19, 2023 Jul 01, 2023 Jun 30, 2024 $80,000.00 $26,667.00$0.00 Tamira White

General Information



Goal 1: By 2026, increase financial security through asset development for individuals with I/DD. 

Objective 1.A Increase financial asset development for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) so that they and their families have greater opportunities for choice, self-determination, independence and community engagement.

NCCDD Five-Year State Plan 2022-2026 

This initiative, I/DD Services Champion, will help the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities achieve the goals outlined in its Five-Year State Plan. NCCDD 5 Year State Plan 2022-2026 

A Request for Applications (RFA) is the way the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities asks for proposals for initiatives that will help the Council achieve the goals outlined in its Five-Year State Plan. ( The Council has given you an outcome for the initiative and you will need to submit a proposal using a web-based system called DD Suite. ( 

Staff Contact

If you have any questions about completing the I/DD Services Champion application or using DD Suite, please contact the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities at 984-920-8208 or e-mail at

Bidders' Workshop and Informational Conference Call

The Bidders' Workshop and informational conference call will occur on March 14th, 2023 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM (EDT). Anyone interested in attending should RSVP by e-mail at by March 13th, 2023.  

Interested applicants are encouraged to attend the Bidders' Workshop. The Bidders' Workshop will occur virtually through ZoomGov:

Join ZoomGov Meeting

Join ZoomGov Meeting -

Meeting ID: 161 833 9645

Passcode: NCCDDRFA

Council Staff will review the process of how to submit a proposal using DD Suite. Interested applicants may submit questions in writing prior to the call. Any questions submitted in writing by March 13th, 2023 will be answered during the Bidders' Workshop on March 14th, 2023. Answers will be posted in DD Suite and the website by March 21st, 2023

All questions will be compiled along with a response and posted on the website. If you submit an Intent to Apply form, the questions and responses will be e-mailed to you.

There are some things interested parties can do before the Bidders' Workshop and informational conference call:

1. Complete an Intent to Apply via e-mail or fax: e-mail: or FAX: 984-920-8201. The Intent to Apply is used to gauge interest and determine outreach and marketing for Council initiatives. While it is strongly encouraged that organizations complete an Intent to Apply, it is not required. Also completing an Intent to Apply does not obligate you to submit a completed application should you determine that your organization cannot carry out the goals of the RFA.

2. Get an account in DD Suite. Go to the DD Suite website at ( Provide the basic information on the registration page and click the submit button. If you have trouble or have questions, please contact Tamira White, Systems Change Manager, at 984-920-8208.

3. Submit any questions you have about this RFA in writing no later than March 13th, 2023 to or FAX: 984-920-8201. Please use the subject headline, "RFA Question – I/DD Services Champion RFA." 

If you need information in an alternate format, or require an accommodation, please notify the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities office at least one week in advance.

The Deadline for Proposal Submissions is April 19th, 2023 at 5:00 PM (EDT).

Application Deadline

This application must be completed by April 19th, 2023 at 5:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). 


The North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCCDD) intends to fund a three-year initiative to champion and increase employment and leadership of individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD) within the systems that impact the developmental disability community, including care coordination, advocacy, schools, Local Management Entities/Managed Care Organizations (LME/MCOs), the North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Use Services (NC DMH/DD/SUS), and providers.


In addition to submitting a proposal, you must complete the budget form on DD Suite for the first year of your initiative. A non-Federal match is not required for this initiative.


It is recommended that all work be done in a different format such as Word. Once each section is completed, copy and paste it into The program has a time-out feature to protect information. The potential to be timed out and lose information while working online is real.