Notice of Funds Available (RFP)

North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities
This notice is not publicly posted.
The application deadline for this notice has expired.

2025.1.A:  Historically Black Colleges and Universities IPSE Planning


Posted Applications Due Start Date End Date Amount MatchPoverty Match Council Staff
Dec 04, 2024 Apr 01, 2025 Sep 30, 2025 $60,000.00 $20,000.00$0.00 Juanita Hooker


The North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCCDD) intends to make an important investment into a three-year and six-month initiative to establish an Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (IPSE) program in North Carolina at one of the state’s 11 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Inclusive Postsecondary Education (IPSE) students are not in a separate program or in a separate department or building, with different teachers. They are part of the student body, to every extent possible, and that includes having access to campus living. It is not a social program or a disability program. Students should be accommodated to assist them to successfully navigate the academic environment and these accommodations are legitimate, necessary, and must be designed to help students be seamlessly included, (integrated into campus life, both academically and socially) and not separated from their peers. The end goal for these students, like any college graduate, is for them to be employed in creative, supported, individualized, competitive employment.

The plan for this initiative is to fund a planning and development period to pilot an IPSE from April 2025 through December 2026 and then to pilot an IPSE at an HBCU starting in either August 2026 or January 2027. Additional funding outside of this grant will likely be needed to fund the pilot as explained in this Request for Applications.


In addition to submitting a proposal for this RFA, you must complete the budget form in DD Suite for the first year of your initiative, which will be the first 6-month planning and development months, with required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds ($20,000). The initial 6-month funded project begins April 1, 2025, and ends September 30, 2025.


It is recommended that all work be done in a different format such as Word. Once each section is completed, copy and paste it into The program has a time out feature to protect information. The potential to be timed out and lose information while working online is possible.

Supporting Documents