Notice of Funds Available (RFP)

Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council

12EC06QU25:  Executive Committee Discretionary Fund


Posted Applications Due Start Date End Date Amount MatchPoverty Match Council Staff
Oct 01, 2024 Aug 01, 2025 Oct 01, 2024 Sep 30, 2025 $60,000.00 $20,000.00$6,666.67 Rebecca Bates


The Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council wishes to support one-time initiatives, not otherwise included in the state plan. These grants are intended to address the needs of people with intellectual or other developmental disabilities and their families – specifically those traditionally un/underserved. Priority consideration may be given to proposals targeting populations that expand the impact of DD Council’s State Plan.  

Activities must include programming targeting at least one DD Council State Plan goal. These goals are:

  • People with intellectual and developmental disabilities are provided services and supports by direct support professionals that are knowledgeable, trained and supported.
  • All children, youth, and students with intellectual/developmental disabilities, aged birth to 21 years, will receive individualized, evidence-based supports and services in inclusive settings that will help them attain their maximum potential, including extra-curricular activities.
  • Provide a broad range of leadership development opportunities for people with developmental disabilities, their family members and allies. Offer a variety of opportunities to develop the skills needed to become leaders in the disability movement.
  • People with disabilities and their families will have increased access to services that promote leadership, accessibility, safety, independence, outreach, equality, inclusion, health, work opportunities, and community.

*Un/Underserved means people with developmental disabilities from:

  • Racial and ethnic minority backgrounds • Disadvantaged people (those living in poverty) • People who use English as a second language • Individuals in underserved geographic areas (rural areas and urban areas) • Other groups within the population of people with DD • People who required technology to participate in and contribute to community life


There are no restrictions on the type of entity that may apply for this project.

All applications must include a detailed budget justification that explains the federal and matching expenditures included in the Project Budget. A Budget Justification Form, which will be available on the DD Suite application website, must be completed and uploaded as part of the application submission in DD Suite. 

All applications must include the names of the organization’s board members (if the applicant is an organization with a governing board), proof of non-profit status (if the applicant is a non-profit organization), a copy of the applicant’s current federally negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (if requesting indirect costs and not using the de minimis rate), a signed copy of the Council’s Assurances form, and completed Standard Affirmation and Disclosure Form and Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Certification forms, which will be available on the DD Suite application website. These materials can be uploaded as part of the application submission in DD Suite.

All applicants, with the exception of those exempted under 2 CFR 25.110 (b) or (c), must be registered in the System for Award Management ( before submitting their application and must include a valid Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) in the application. If your entity is currently registered in, your UEI has already been assigned and is viewable in your entity’s registration record. Entities not currently registered in will be assigned a UEI when they register. Applicants are required to maintain an active registration with current information at all times that an application is pending or the applicant holds this federal award. The Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council may not make an award to an applicant until the applicant has complied with these requirements.

Notices of Award cannot be issued to an applicant that does not have a State of Ohio Supplier ID. This is a two-part process. Applicants first need to establish an Ohio ID (OHID) by going to the following link and creating an account: Applicants will then need to go to OhioPays and follow the instructions at the following link to register as a supplier (payee): Once both steps have been completed, a Supplier ID will be issued.

Project Workplan

The following will need to be included in the Project Workplan:

  • Objectives - Identify the project objectives that are specific and measurable and will achieve the selected outcomes.
  • Activities - For each project objective, include: a list all activities (specific tasks, including any project deliverables and products) that will achieve the objective; strategies for each activity; an explanation of how each activity will be accomplished; realistic start and end dates for accomplishing each activity; and the primary personnel who will carry out each activity. Any project products should include dissemination plans for potential project replication.

Additional Information

Discretionary Fund requests may not exceed $5,000. Requests in excess of $2,000 will be submitted to the Executive Committee for consideration and determination. Any requests that require Executive Committee approval must be received at least ten (15) business days prior to the next scheduled Executive Committee meeting. Please see our website at for Council meeting dates.


This NOFA is accompanied by several attachments. Please download and review each attachment prior to beginning the grant application process. The attachments include:

Budget Justification Form - A Budget Justification that meets the following standards needs to be attached. The justification should clearly and specifically describe each cost element and how each item would support the achievement of proposed objectives. Include any equations/formulas used for applying pro-rated costs to the grant and an explanation of the details of the equation. Identify costs for which federal funds are requested and those that will be provided by match. Each line item in the Project Budget should be addressed individually in the justification. Please select the Budget Justification Sample & Instructions tab in the form for specific guidance and expectations.

DD Council Assurances - These assurances must be signed and attached as part of the application submission. Refusal to include a completed DD Council Assurances form will result in the application being removed from consideration.

Standard Affirmation and Disclosure Form - This form must be completed and attached as part of the application submission.

Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Certification - This form must be completed and attached as part of the application submission.

Grantee Guidelines - This document includes important information about the requirements of a DD Council grantee.