Empowering Those Empowering Change
Providing the tools to strategically manage all aspects of the Grant Management process
Grant Seekers
Funding Opportunities
Grant Makers
The DD Suite cloud-based grants management system, developed through the Grants Management Partnership, is used by grant makers to...
- Post grant opportunities
- Receive online applications
- Award grants and collect online grantee reports
- Send automated email reminders
to learn more about the Grants Management Partnership and how DD Suite can meet your grant management and organizational needs.

As a recognized CIO-100 Award Winner, DD Suite has been supporting organizations to effectively manage their grants for over 15 years.

The MA Developmental Disabilities Council uses DD Suite to generate data for their annual report and has received the AGA award for advancing government accountability through Citizen Centric Reporting for eleven consecutive years.

The DD Suite was recognized by the MA Office of the State
Auditor as a reliable tool for meeting performance audit
February 7, 2019

"As a first time grantor, creating an online grant process seemed daunting.
DD Suite made grant creation easy by separating the tasks into simple steps."
- Jordan Wagner, Program Coordinator

"It worked! thank you, that is great IT support ...
I didn't even ask for help yet and you knew I needed it! Awesome
- Tonya Milling, Executive Director